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DIY Herb Markers or Garden Stakes for Your Garden

Learn how to make customizable DIY herb markers for your garden. These easy garden markers are made using shrinky dink paper for lasting durability. Simply print out the template then design your own garden stakes to mark your herbs, flower or garden vegetables however you like!

diy herb markers garden markers easy gardening crafts for kids adults

DIY Herb Markers

Now that the threat of frost is finally over here in Southwestern Virginia, I can start some serious outdoor planting. For marking my rows of vegetables and herbs, I thought it’d be fun to craft my own DIY Herb Markers. Not only are these garden plant or row markers easy to craft, but they also make a great kids’ project! Make some for yourself or as a gift for mom tucked inside a pot of herbs for Mother’s Day or her birthday. Or bundle some together for Dad on Father’s Day as a gift to line his garden rows! They also make great party favors or gifts for your favorite gardeners!


This craft project is relatively simple and isn’t very time consuming. Kids of all ages can join in the process to make their own herb garden markers. While tweens and teens can complete this project on their own.

Keep reading to learn how to make herb markers for your garden.

diy herb markers garden markers project easy crafts

Herb Marker Supplies and Materials

These are the supplies and materials you will need to make DIY herb markers for your garden:

How to Make Garden Herb Markers

1. Print out the provided herb garden marker template. Place a blank page of your Shrinky Dink paper on top of the template, rough side up.

2. Trace the template with a permanent black marker onto your Shrinky Dink plastic.

3. Color in your garden marker as desired with colored pencils. The darker you color, the more vibrant your finished herb marker will be. (My favorite pencils to use are PrismaColor Pencils for their rich, bold and blend-able color.

how to make garden markers


4. Once you’ve colored in your garden stakes to your liking, cut them out along the outer edge. Then place on brown paper on a cookie sheet.

5. Bake at 325 degrees Fahrenheit for 3 minutes and remove from the oven.

diy garden markers from shrinky dink paper for herb garden


6. Allow your shrunk herb marker to cool for a minute or two then remove from the cookie sheet.

7. If desired, you may spray your finished piece with a clear acrylic spray for extra protection.

herb garden markers diy craft project easy


8. Place your completed herb marker in a pot to mark your plant or in your garden to mark your rows.

For more fun DIY shrinky dink projects, be sure to check out the blog post, DIY Shrinky Dink Magnets – Great Weekend Kids’ Craft Project.


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