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Natural Bath and Beauty Recipes for Your Lazy Sunday

It’s spring, and while I’m not spring cleaning today, I did manage to clean out my drawers and closets yesterday. Now I have two bags full of clothing for The Rescue Mission. Of course today’s weather – hello, snow?! – doesn’t really have me in a spring cleaning sort of mood. Though I did find a diy floor wood polish recipe that I’m hoping to try out here before long. Because of the snow, today feels like more of a stay in and craft day, so I’m planning on working on a salve recipe. But first I wanted to share a few fun diy bath & beauty recipes I’ve come across lately.

DIY Homemade Easter Egg Bath Bomb Recipe and Other Fun DIY Bath and Beauty Projects

Next Sunday is Easter so I thought it only fitting to share these DIY Easter Egg Bath Bombs from Henry Happened. Not only are they fun to make but the kids will have a blast watching them fizz in the tub.

DIY Homemade Lemon Poppy Seed Kitchen Soap Recipe and Other Fun DIY Bath and Beauty Projects

If you find you’re spending more time in the kitchen lately than you really would like to, at least make your work a little brighter. These DIY Homemade Lemon Poppy Seed Kitchen Soaps will make washing your hands a joy. They are simply crafted with a melt and pour goat milk soap base, poppy seeds, lemon verbena fragrance oil, and color in a massage bar shaped soap mold. Personally, I’d substitute the fragrance oil for lemongrass essential oil since it’s not only natural but also smells equally amazing. And since lemongrass essential oil will naturally tint your soaps yellow, there’s no need to add additional color. You can find the tutorial over at Rustic Essentials.

DIY Homemade Warming Chest Rub Recipe and Other Natural Cold Care Recipes

As this past winter seems to have been hard on almost everyone health wise – so many people I know got upper respiratory infections and the flu sometimes two and three times around – and I hear that allergy season is priming up to be especially brutal this year, you may want to keep this recipe for a DIY Warming Chest Rub on hand. This homemade chest rub recipe comes from The Dabblist, a really excellent blog I only just discovered today. Some of the other great diy recipes from this blog you may want to try include a Natural Fire Cider Recipe for colds and congestion, Natural Homemade Peppermint Mouth Wash, Herbal Tired Eye Soother, and After Shower Spritzing Oil. There’s also a recipe for Homemade Cough Syrup which includes marshmallow root powder. I bought some of this last year when I had an especially bad cough and mixed into tea and really does work.

How to Make Herbal Oil Infusions and Other DIY Bath and Body Skin Care Recipes and Tutorials

Whispering Earth has a really excellent Tutorial on How to Make Herbal Infused Oils. The information is very thorough and there are also recipes for making a Comfrey Salve and a Simple St. John’s Wort Lip Balm for Cold Sores.

DIY Homemade Natural Sleep Salve Recipe crafted with natural lavender, tangerine, sandalwood and rosewood essential oils plus other natural diy bath and beauty recipes

If you’re looking for a more restful sleep, then try out this DIY Homemade Sleep Salve Recipe over at Design Sponge. It contains lavender, tangerine, sandalwood, and rosewood essential oils to help you relax your way into dreamland.

And, just in case your weather is on the warmer side of things – I actually got sunburned over St. Patrick’s Day weekend when temps were in the 70’s in stark contrast to the freezing temps and snow we have today – The Beauty Department has a tutorial for using tea to soothe a sunburn.

If you like these recipes, be sure to check out some of my own recipes I’ve crafted lately including my Homemade Lavender Patchouli Deodorant – this one has printable labels you can use, my moisturizing Pink Grapefruit Scented Solid Salt Scrub Cubes, and my Natural Cream Eye Shadow Recipe. Also be sure to check out my DIY Bath and Body Board on Pinterest and follow along for fabulous new recipes every week!


  • Jennifer

    March 25, 2013 at 2:04 am

    Ohhh! I’ll be studying these recipes and trying them out! Right now the way my allergies are acting those allergy and cold remedies might come in handy! 😉

  • Splendid Little Stars

    March 25, 2013 at 3:00 am

    Everything looks so cheery and Spring-ish (which it is definitely not here)!
    great list of links!

  • Dorene Nowatzke

    March 26, 2013 at 11:57 pm

    Great ideas!

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