How to Make an Easy Bug Repellent Recipe
Do you need an easy mosquito repellent recipe to help combat biting insects this summer? This simple, yet effective natural homemade bug repellent recipe needs as few as two ingredients and won’t require you to buy a lot of expensive essential oils. Here’s what you’ll need and how to make it.
Natural Homemade Bug Repellent Recipe
© Rebecca’s Soap Delicatessen.com
2 oz. distilled water
2 oz. witch hazel
2.5 ml Bug Off Synergy Essential Oil Blend
If you don’t have witch hazel you can use all distilled water and vice versa. Simple combine all ingredients in a glass bottle with a fingertip mister and shake well. (Use a graduated plastic transfer pipette to measure out the essential oil.) To use simply shake before using then spray liberally onto skin and clothing.
To create a smaller batch simply use 12 drops of the essential oil blend per 1 ounce of liquid. For larger recipes, 20 drops is equal to 1 millimeter.
If you like this recipe, you may also like my natural homemade dry shampoo recipe. There are no food ingredients like you find in other homemade dry shampoo recipes that can attract bugs – no one wants those at a festival or out camping! – and the dry shampoo not only smells fantastic, but it also helps to repel biting insects as well! For more recipes like this one be sure to follow my DIY Lifestyle Tips board on Pinterest and my DIY Bath and Body board for more health, beauty and skin care recipes.
Margo Long
May 30, 2014 at 12:02 pm
Thank you for this recipe, I am going to make some for the next camping trip. You also have pictured a Jewelweed Spray. Do you have a tutorial for making that also?
Rebecca D. Dillon
May 31, 2014 at 10:27 am
I actually bought this Jewelweed Spray from Good4YouHerbals on Etsy but I plan on sharing a tutorial on how to make your own soon. It’s awesome stuff. I used it after working in the yard and I instantly stopped feeling itchy all over.
Christina Warrington
May 3, 2015 at 8:50 pm
Hi. The recipe looks wonderful, but forgive me I have no idea how to measure a ml. Mm is millimeter , but I thought ml was a milliliter. Metric system in school was over 40 yrs ago & I’m just not remembering. Can you help please? Thank you so much!
Rebecca D. Dillon
May 4, 2015 at 7:39 am
Transfer pipettes and measuring cups all have ml markings. This is a small amount so a graduated transfer pipette is best for measuring out the appropriate amount.
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