Unicorn Macaron Soap Tutorial
Learn how to make these sweet unicorn soaps with my unicorn macaron soap tutorial!
Unicorn Macaron Soap Tutorial
Made using melt and pour soap bases, my unicorn macaron soap tutorial will guide you through the steps of making your own unicorn macaron soaps! Just melt, pour then paint your soaps for a sweet homemade gift!
Supplies Needed:
You will need at least one unicorn macaron mold to create your unicorn macaron soap. I bought three of the molds (pictured above) from Sugar Skull Molds here.
(Note that if you buy any three molds from Sugar Skull Molds you will get a fourth one free. You will need to type in the fourth mold that you’d like to receive free in the notes when you check out. Otherwise a random mold will be chosen for you. Also, in addition to the unicorn macaron soap mold, Sugar Skull Molds also sells several other unicorn molds that you can find here.)
You will also need a white melt and pour soap base, a clear melt and pour soap base, your choice of fragrance oils or essential oils (if you’d like to scent your soap), a digital scale, isopropyl (rubbing alcohol), skin safe mica powders, skin safe glitter, liquid neon pink soap color, a spray bottle, Pyrex measuring cups, a round silicone soap mold, a microwave and stirring utensils. Cutting boards are also useful.
To create my unicorn macaron soaps, I specifically used the blue vibrance mica and the pink vibrance mica from Nurture Soap. For the sparkle you can use either Nurture Soap’s twinkling lights glitter or super sparkles mica. The shimmer gold mica is also a nice choice if you prefer a gold horn.
The amount of soap and other materials you’ll need will depend on how many unicorn macaron soaps you plan to make at one time. However, I’ll explain how to figure out the amounts you’ll need as we go through the tutorial!
Ready to get started?
Step One: Make the unicorn macaron soap embeds!
You’ll begin by making the unicorn macaron soap embeds for your soap. You’ll use around .45 oz. of white soap base for each unicorn macaron soap embed that you want to make. If you want to make three at a time, then you would multiply .45 oz. by 3 to give you the amount of soap you need. So .45 oz. x 3 = 1.35 oz. soap base.
Then, to figure the amount of fragrance oil you need to scent your soap, you’d multiply the amount of soap you’ll be using for the embeds by the percentage of fragrance oil or essential oil you’d like to scent your soap with. I recommend using fragrance oils at 2-4% or essential oil at .5-1%. However, you should also check with manufacturer guidelines to be safe so you are not exceeding the maximum usage rate for your product. So 1.35 oz. x .02 (or 2%) = .027 oz. fragrance oil.
It’s also important to note that if you’d like your unicorn macaron soap embeds to be a bright white, avoid any fragrances that contain vanilla or have a deep yellow tint. You can also simply leave your unicorn macaron soap embed unscented.
Additionally, not all melt and pour soap bases weigh the same amount – especially from brand to brand. So you may want to melt a random amount of base and pour into it one of the unicorn macaron molds, let it harden, then unmold and weigh it to determine the correct amount of soap you need for each embed. I recommend using slightly more soap base than what is called for as some inevitably ends up stuck to the side of the container(s.)
Now that you’ve figured out the amount of white soap base you need, you’re ready to create your unicorn macaron soap embeds.
Using a digital scale, weigh out the amount of white soap base needed to create your embeds, then cut the base into chunks.
Heat the base in the microwave in 20-30 second increments until melted. You’ll want to stir the base in between each heating session.
Now weigh out the fragrance or essential oil (if desired) that you need for the amount of soap base you are using and stir into the melted soap.
Now pour the melted white soap base into the unicorn macaron soap molds.
I recommend placing the molds between two cutting boards (of even height) to keep them from tipping (as pictured.)
Carefully pour the melted white soap base into the molds, then spritz the tops of the soap with rubbing alcohol to remove any air bubbles.
Allow the unicorn macaron soap embeds to harden completely, then carefully push each one out of the mold. You can freeze your molds first if you have trouble getting your soap out.
Carefully clean up the edges of your embeds with a sharp knife or the edge of your fingernail if needed. Set aside.
Step Two: Make the pink round soaps!
Now you’ll make the round pink soap bars that your unicorn macaron soap embeds will be placed on.
I used a Crafter’s Choice basic round silicone soap mold for this step. If you don’t own this mold you can use a similar round silicone soap mold.
If you want a bold pink round soap, use a clear melt and pour soap base for this step. Otherwise, if you’d like a pastel pink round soap, use a white melt and pour soap base.
Each of these cavities holds around 5 oz. of soap base. However, you may want to want to melt a random amount of base and pour the melted base into one of your mold’s cavities, let it harden, then unmold the soap to be sure of the the amount of soap you need for each bar.
However, it’s important to note that you aren’t filling the cavities for this soap mold to the top. Instead you’ll be leaving room at the top for the unicorn macaron soap embeds and additional soap to hold the embeds in place.
For each of my pink round soap bars, I used 4.55 oz. of white melt and pour soap base.
Weigh out the amount of soap you’ll need then cut the soap base into chunks. Heat to melt, then add the color and mix well. I recommend starting with a small amount of color and then adding more as needed until you reach your desired color.
If you’re scenting your soaps, figure the amount of fragrance needed for the amount of soap you are using. Then weigh out the fragrance and stir into the melted soap base.
Now slowly pour the melted pink soap base into each of the mold’s cavities (based on the number of unicorn macaron soap bars you are making) and spritz the tops of each with rubbing alcohol to remove any air bubbles.
Set the soap aside to cool and fully harden.
Once the soap has fully set up, you’re ready for the next step!
Step Three: Combine the elements!
You’ll now cut and melt a clear melt and pour soap base to adhere your unicorn macaron soap embeds to your pink round soap bars!
For each soap bar you’ll need about .5 oz. of clear melt and pour soap base. Determine the amount of soap base you’ll need for the number of bars you are making. If you’re using a fragrance or essential oil, do the math to figure the amount you’ll need for it as well.
Now weigh out the amount of clear soap base you need. Cut it into chunks then heat and melt in the microwave.
If using a fragrance, weigh out the amount needed and stir into the melted soap base.
Next, add a small amount of twinkling lights glitter (or similar) to the melted clear soap base and stir to incorporate.
Now spritz the tops of your pink soap bars with rubbing alcohol.
Pour a small amount of the clear melted soap base onto each of the pink soap bars in your mold and gently press each of your unicorn macaron soap embeds onto each of the pink soap bars.
Position the soap embeds in the center of each of the soaps, then pour the remaining soap base around the unicorn macaron soap embeds. Stop pouring just before you reach the top edge of the embeds so part of the embeds is still sticking out from the soap.
Now spritz the tops of the soaps with rubbing alcohol to remove any air bubbles.
Allow the soap to fully harden and set up.
Step Four: Paint on the details!
Once the soaps have set up fully in the molds, carefully remove each of the soaps from the mold cavities.
You’ll now use your micas and/or glitter combined with rubbing alcohol to paint the faces onto your unicorn macaron soaps!
In small containers, combine a small amount of rubbing alcohol with a small amount of your micas. Mix to combine. You want the mica to be thick enough to be opaque when painted on, but just thin enough that it doesn’t clump. I used pink mica for the mouth, ears and cheeks and blue mica for the horn and eyes.
Using a paint brush, paint on the cheeks, mouth and the insides of the ears in your desired color. Don’t worry if you mess up. Simply wipe off the mica with a cloth or paper towel and a small amount of rubbing alcohol.
Now, using a dry brush, dab the twinkling lights glitter into the unicorn cheeks. (Alternately you can also mix the pink mica with a bit of super sparkles mica just for the cheeks.)
Now using the blue mica and alcohol mix, paint on the eyes and paint the horn.
Using a dry brush, dab the twinkling lights glitter into the blue mica on the unicorn horn. (Alternately you can also mix the blue mica with a bit of super sparkles mica just for the horns.)
Allow the soaps to dry completely then carefully wrap each one tightly in foodservice film. Your finished unicorn macaron soaps are now ready for gifting!
If you liked my unicorn macaron soap tutorial, then you may also like my mermaid soap tutorial, my DIY unicorn balm and my shimmering unicorn inspired rainbow moldable sugar scrub recipe.
Or, if you’re looking for homemade unicorn soaps to buy, then be sure to visit my unicorn themed favorites on Etsy here.
For even more soap tutorials, be sure to follow my boards on Pinterest. You can also find and follow me on Facebook, Twitter, Blog Lovin’, and Instagram. Or sign up to receive new posts from Soap Deli News blog to your email via FeedBurner so you never miss a post.